Regular Registration for non-Lehighton Area Soccer Club players

$275 for Full-day Camp, $245 for Half-day Camp   

LASC Players and Families - 

$245  for Full-Day Campers, and $215 for Half-day Campers

July 7th to July 11th, 2025  - 5 days of Outstanding Soccer Training (club neutral!) to help players develop new skills to get players ready for their fall seasons   - Held at 

Bethany Wesleyan Church Fields in Lehighton, PA. .  

(1122 Fairyland Road, Lehighton, PA 18235)  

Club neutral. Hosted by the Lehighton Area Soccer Club. Anyone who wants elite training can join the camp! 

Free Dominate the 18 Athletic Shirt for all Participants! 

⚽Full Day Camp  Ages 7 to 14  

Monday through Thursday - 9 AM to 2:45 PM, Friday  - 9 AM to 12 PM 

Half-day Camp - Ages 5 to 9

9 AM to 12 PM each day

Directed by Bob Pipech (Founder and Director of DOMINATE the 18, Former Assistant Coach Lehigh University and Muhlenberg College). 

Assisted by Coaches with Collegiate Playing Experience, Current College Players, and other coaches with high-level club coaching experience. 

Players will receive training in the essential skills of soccer, including dribbling and ball control, passing and receiving, attacking and defending, 1 v 1s, field vision, and goal scoring in a fun, competitive, yet challenging environment to promote growth and development. 

Typical Camp and Day Structure: 

8:30 AM to 9 AM - Check-in

9 AM to 9:25 AM - Activation/Review of Previous Skills

9:30 AM to 10 AM  -  Technical Focus and Main Topic  (Ball Mastery, Receiving and Passing, Possession, 1 v 1 moves, Finishing, etc) 

10:00 AM - 10:25 AM - Small Sided Games and Play Related to the Technical Focus

10:30 AM - 10:45 AM - Break/Snacks 

10:50 AM -  11:25 AM - Competitions incorporating the Technical Focus

11:30 AM to 12 PM - Larger sides games  (4 v 4, 7 v 7, 8 v 8, etc)

12 PM - 12:45 PM - Lunch/End of day for Half-day Campers 

12:45 PM to 1:00 PM Activation #2

1:05 PM - 1:35 PM - Technical Focus #2

1:40 PM - 2:05 PM - Small Sided Games/Competitions/Tactical Activities incorporating elements of the technical focus

2:10 PM to 2:40 PM - Full Field Scrimmage 

(11 v 11, 9 v 9, 7 v 7, or as large as #'s permit) 

2:45 PM  Dismissal and Parent Pick-up

Regular Registration (non-LASC Players) - 

$275 Full-Day Campers, and $245 for Half-day Campers 

LASC Players and Families - 

$245  for Full-Day Campers, and $215 for Half-day Campers 

Experience our fun yet challenging, unique curriculum that is set but allows for enhancements and modifications based on age/level/and ability.  

For example, if the session theme is passing, u6 and u7 players will work on the basics of passing, including receiving, passing for accuracy in short to moderate distances, using both feet to pass, and fun competitive games to promote these skills.  After going through review and warm-up (at a moderate to high intensity), u12 and u13 players will work on 1-2's, playing through balls and penetrating balls into space, improving field vision to improve passing ability, and much more! 

Follow Dominate the 18 Goalkeeper and Soccer Training on Socials!  SMASH the FOLLOW and LIKE buttons! 
